Anbasa (721-726)

Al-Samh’s humiliation by the Franks doesn’t stop Governor Anbasa from wanting to take a crack at Septimania, and even Burgundy! But . . . what’s that in the mountains of Asturias? Come hear about company men, wild honey eating, and a studious avoidance of Toulouse in Anbasa’s episode!

Listen to Anbasa’s episode on Podbean




Peter: 4
Sarah: 4
Total: 8

No Me Digas


Peter: 0
Sarah: 0
Total: 0



Peter: 4
Sarah: 4
Total: 8

El Rey-sto

Length of Reign: 5 years
Children: None known
Death: Right before a battle… oof.


Peter: 2
Sarah: 2
Total: 4

¿Fuero o Fuera?



The Chronicle of 754. As translated in Wolf, Kenneth Baxter (1999). Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain.
The Chronicle of Alfonso III. As translated in Wolf, Kenneth Baxter (1999). Conquerors and Chroniclers of Early Medieval Spain.
The Collected Accounts. As translated in James, David (2012). A History of Early Al-Andalus: The Akhbar majmu’a.
The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, al-Makkari. As translated in de Gayangos, Pascual (1840).
The History of the Conquest of Al Andalus, Ibn al-Qutiyya. As translated in James, David (2009). Early Islamic Spain: The History of Ibn Al-Qutiyah


Collins, Roger (1989). The Arab Conquest of Spain: 710-797.
O’Callaghan, Joseph F. (1975). A History of Medieval Spain.


The Battle Royale podcast

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